02 Nov 2023 fall photo contest
We are running a photo contest early fall themed “Bee Yards in Autumn“!
To enter the photo contest, submit your photos to ilovebeesregina@gmail.com
Cut off date for submitting photos will be Sunday, November 5, 2023. So get those photos in!! No limit on number of photos submitted.
Voting will begin after November 5.
Photos will be voted on by FB group members so watch for voting posts here!
The more you submit the higher your chances of submitting a winning photo!
Winners will be announced on the club’s webpage and Facebook
Great new prizes this year!
Fine print:
By submitting photos you are giving the Regina & District Bee Club permission to use it in future educational, promotional or informational publications, online and in print.
Photo credit will be given to the photographer. The photographer still holds all copyright rights.
All photos must be original photos and taken by the submitter.
Include in your email the name of the photographer for credit purposes. And if there are people in your photo permission to use their image in the photo.
All photos must be submitted at original size to ensure quality images for future use by the bee club and must not contain watermarks.
Voting will require a minimum number of photos to run the contest so the more who entre the better!